Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ponds And Rivers

  1. There are 22 species of alligators
  2. Alligators can be very sacred to some cultures
  3. The delta is the ending of the flow
  4. Rivers are 4 yards wide
  5. Toads return to their pond to breed
  6. Ponds support 50% of aquatic species
  7. The worlds first cities began on rivers
  8. The largest mammal in rivers is the hippo
  9. The biggest lily pad was 10 feet long
  10. The grand canyon is a mile deep
Ponds and rivers both have a source of animals living in them, in both of them plants adapt well to the environment, and they are both freshwater ecosystems

Ponds are generally smaller than rivers, rivers also are moving waters while ponds are still, there is a very different type of animals that live in ponds than rivers.

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